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New posts in gsub

gsub error turning upper to lower case in R

regex r gsub

Extract part of string before the first semicolon

r string gsub

Ruby, gsub and regex

ruby-on-rails ruby regex gsub

Remove double quote \" symbol from string

r regex gsub stringr

Replace one element in vector with multiple elements

r replace gsub

Remove punctuation but keeping emoticons?

string r text gsub emoticons

Lua string.gsub with a hyphen

string lua gsub hyphen

Fast escaping/deparsing of character vectors in R

regex r escaping gsub

using gsub in ruby strings correctly

ruby string gsub

Why does String#gsub double content?

ruby-on-rails ruby regex gsub

Remove special characters from data frame

ruby gsub new line characters

ruby regex newline gsub

More than 9 backreferences in gsub()

regex r gsub

gsub only part of pattern

r string gsub

Making gsub only replace entire words?

r gsub topic-modeling

Is there a Regex Delete in Ruby?

ruby regex string ruby-1.9 gsub

Formatting month abbreviations using as.Date [duplicate]

r date gsub

How to escape closed bracket "]" in regex in R

regex r gsub

Remove entries from string vector containing specific characters in R [duplicate]

r string character gsub grepl

replace "." with space using gsub() in R?

r gsub