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New posts in grand-central-dispatch

What does the "t" in dispatch_queue_t stand for?

In a UITableView, best method to cancel GCD operations for cells that have gone off screen?

GCD: How to change timer fire interval

lvalue argument for dispatch_semaphore_create ?


Deadlock with GCD and webView

Wait for multiple AFNetworking requests to complete

Difference between dispatching to a queue with `sync` and using a work item with a `.wait` flag?

How to handle Race Condition Read/Write Problem in Swift?

One code base for Snow Leopard and Leopard

Set priority for custom created serial asynchronous queue

dispatch_group_notify being called as many times as dispatch_group_leave is called in nested blocks

How can I specify the return types in GCD blocks

How to use dispatch_async_f?

EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION happens when using dispatch_get_global_queue on ios 7(swift)

Dispatch semaphore signal on wait timeout

Objective C for loop delay

dispatch_group_notify has been replaced by instance method DispatchGroup.notify(qos:flags:queue:execute:)

Difference between DispatchQueue types in swift

iOS 4 GCD questions

Asynchronous url requests inside dispatch_async