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New posts in grand-central-dispatch

Using NSThread sleep in an NSOperation

How does dispatch_set_target_queue work?

Swift 2: struct thread-safety

HTTP Long Polling in Swift

How to respond to memory pressure notifications from GCD?

Using libevent together with GCD (libdispatch) in Swift

GCD and callbacks - concurrency issue

AudioServicesPlaySystemSound and the main thread

Set priority to an NSOperationQueue

dispatch_get_current_queue() deprecated, is there an alternative for safe CoreData?

Adding to array in parallel

Synchronize nested async task

In GCD, are all tasks in a serial queue guaranteed to run in the same thread?

Figure out when a context switch is happening in Swift

Has every NSThread automatically a dispatch queue?

AVCaptureVideoDataOutput on iOS 8 does not post sample buffers on the specified dispatch queue

Crash with dispatch_block

GCD and KVO problems

Is there a way to throw errors from asynchronous closures in Swift 3?

How to tell what queue a completionHandler executes on?