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New posts in grand-central-dispatch

Using a single shared background thread for iOS data processing?

How do I watch for file changes on OS X?

dispatch group: for-loop *and* async calls within the for-loop

Is it possible to specify the `DispatchQueue` for `DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform`?

issue with dispatch_async and async request

What behavior is guaranteed with Grand Central Dispatch in Objective-C?

NSOperation VS GCD for Core-Data

dispatch_group_wait with GCD

dispatch_async has lag somewhere, can't find where. is there an NSLog problem?

GCD DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL what priority is it going to run on?

dispatch_after and [UIView animation: duration] happen immediately (but shouldn't)

AVAssetWriterInput appendSampleBuffer: Cannot append sample buffer: Must start a session (using -AVAssetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:) first'

Is it ok to call performSelectorOnMainThread: after beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler is called and the application is in background?

Controlling an interactive command-line utility from a Cocoa app - trouble with ptys

How is Grand Central Dispatch so fast? (For this Quicksort algorithm)