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New posts in grand-central-dispatch

DispatchWorkItem not terminating function when .cancel() is called

iOS: What happens if I execute a background job and then leave the view controller?

Is dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ...) necessary in this case?

How do I empty and fully free a Grand Central Dispatch queue on release?

Best to use global or custom named GCD queues?

GCD timer never fires

Keep running NSOperationQueue when app goes to background

How to implement a reentrant locking mechanism through dispatch concurrent queue (GCD)?

Swift 3 Parallel for/map Loop

How to parallelize Sudoku solver using Grand Central Dispatch?

Which one is easier to use? GCD or NSOperation?

NSURLConnection started in another thread. Delegate methods not called

What's the most "Swift-like"/clean way to set a non-nil value with a sync DispatchQueue?

How different programming languages use closures?

How do I repeatedly loop dispatch_after statements?

How to deal with concurrency issues brought by NSStream run loop scheduling using GCD?

Can you query a GCD serial queue for the number of pending taks?

Is there any way to implement dispatch_cancel()?

Is dispatch_once overkill inside of +[NSObject initialize]?

Block in sync method on background queue is executed on main thread