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Nexus 10 - render to external rendertarget works only in landscape

How to use depth buffer to store indices

GLSL Fragment shader get Vertex Position


OpenGL 4 and ES 3.0 discrepancy with packHalf2x16 / unpackHalf2x16

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OpenGL: Gamma corrected image doesn't appear linear

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Passing an arbitrarily sized object to a fragment shader using a UniformBuffer in Glium

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Render inverted scene to framebuffer

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How to calculate specular contribution in PBR?

'texelFetch' : no matching overloaded function found in opengl es 3.0

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Triangle pattern GLSL shader

Fast way of selecting cubmap face in GLSL

OpenGL ATI vs NVIDIA GLSL issues

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How to render a mesh made up of triangles where each triangle has same color without specifying that color 3 times per trianlge

opengl glsl vertex-buffer

Fragment shader - drawing a line?

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Setting up a MVP Matrix in OpenGL

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OpenGL: Projecting view-space co-ordinates to NDCs, results seemingly outside of [-1,1] range

Analytic normals to a sphere displaced with Simplex Noise

GLSL atan on iPhone 6 Plus gives wrong result

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Uniform point arrays and managing fragment shader coordinates systems

How to force GLSL branching?