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New posts in fractals

Unit testing algorithms that involve random numbers

Drawing a fractal tree in Python, not sure how to proceed

Continuous coloring of fractal

opengl fractals

Are there any simple programs for 3D fractal visualization?

3d visualization fractals

Generating an entertaining blinking pattern for a 1D LED arrangement [closed]

Midpoint displacement algorithm - weird results

c# algorithm fractals

OpenGL ES GLSL Mandelbrot with general exponent

fractals glsles

JS canvas implementation of Julia set

javascript canvas fractals

How do I draw this shape in SVG?

algorithm svg drawing fractals

1/4 of Newton's fractal is drawn only

c# f# drawing fractals

Questions regarding Perlin noise (how it works)

Java Processing 3 PAplet in JavaFX scene as FXNode

Zooming in on Mandelbrot set fractal in Java

How can I improve perfomace of Hilbert scan of image?

Functions and Fractals - Recursive Trees - Bash! Logic Issue

linux bash fractals

Can't find a way to color the Mandelbrot-set the way i'm aiming for

How would I rotate a vector in 3D space? P5.js

vector tree p5.js fractals