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New posts in glsl

glGetUniformLocation() returning -1 even though used in vertex shader

c++ opengl glsl

How vertex and fragment shaders communicate in OpenGL?

GLSL: pow vs multiplication for integer exponent

opengl glsl shader exponent

GLSL truncated signed distance representation (TSDF) implementation

flat shading in webGL

glsl webgl

Is it possible to express "t" variable from Cubic Bezier Curve equation?

OpenGL ES 2.0 transparency using alpha testing in shader

How exactly does deferred shading work in LWJGL?

GLSL sampler2DShadow deprecated past version 120? What to use?

opengl glsl

How is the right way to do that in OpenGL 3.x?

opengl glsl

Setting Matrices in GLSL Not Working

opengl glsl

Why is instanced array slower than glDrawElement?

c++ opengl glsl

no uniform with name 'u_proj' in shader

OpenGL : thick and smooth/non-broken lines *in 3D*

opengl glsl openscenegraph

Export from Shadertoy to Three.js

raycasting: how to properly apply a projection matrix?

simple pass-through geometry shader with normal and color

glsl geometry-shader

AlphaFunctions in WebGL?

opengl-es glsl webgl

THREE.js blur the frame buffer

Packing vertex data into a WebGL texture