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New posts in globalization

Should I use DateTime.Now or DateTime.UtcNow in HttpCookie.Expires and HttpCachePolicy.SetExpires?

.net asp.net globalization gmt

Implementing internationalization (language strings) in a PHP application

Translate custom attributes with i18next (placeholder, value)

Constants for CultureInfo Name

c# .net globalization

Globalization in ASP.Net MVC 3

Globalization vs. Localization [duplicate]

ASP.NET MVC: When to set Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture?

Why doesn't object have an overload that accepts IFormatProvider?

c# .net object globalization

CurrentCulture incorrectly defaulting to en-US in ASP.net

Locale during unit test on Android

How to configure invariant culture in ASP.NET globalization?

Can You Determine Timezone from Request Variables?

.NET: Are there any differences between InvariantCulture and en-US?

Prevent exception messages from being translated into the user's language?

How to get the country code from CultureInfo?

c# globalization

ASP.NET - MVC 3: Localization

Difference between CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture() and the constructor of the class?

.resx vs database vs custom solution for providing Localization/Globalization

Are there built-in Month name declensions in C#

How do I set CultureInfo.CurrentCulture from an App.Config file?