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New posts in getter-setter

Easy way to generate Getters and Setters in Visual Studio

Implicit vs explicit getters/setters in AS3, which to use and why?

Is there any reason to not generate setters and getters for @Id fields in JPA?

Accessing properties hidden by __defineGetter__/__defineSetter__ in JavaScript

Angular 1.4.x numeric field with gettersetter not working for decimal numbers

Typescript getter returns undefined although the private property is set

Declare getter/setter in inheritance class in Javascript

Why does collection initializer work with getter-only property?

Getters and setters in child classes

Do I have to put get/set methods in the class definition in matlab ?

class matlab getter-setter

An interview riddle: accessing a private data member [duplicate]

c# getter-setter

Angular 2 keep input form value in bind with the model using getter and setter

How to overload the operators to call a setter function on an operator[] call?

What does this C++ setter/getter pattern break?

Getters and setters in javascript

Pre-increment in PHP with magic get and set defined

What does a return statement do inside a setter?

How to "override" a defined (get-)property on a prototype?