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How many clients can be supported by Gamekit server in IPhone 3.0

bluetooth gamekit

trouble negotiating a 2 player match in game kit

iphone cocoa-touch ios gamekit

ios - Gamekit's GKOctree not finding elements

ios swift gamekit octree

Can I manually prompt the user to log in to Game Center on iOS 7?

handleTurnEventForMatch:didBecomeActive: callbacks only arriving some of the time

Best option for streaming data between iPhones

iOS Game Center GameKit Programmatic Invite Matchmaking

playing a song on another device using bluetooth

Why can't I set the speed of a GKAgent2D in iOS9?

ios gamekit

GameKit wifi connection?

NSSet to NSData, then back out again, for GameKit?

Building a SpriteKit/GameKit leaderboard within a specific scene

GKSession with Mac OS X

Trouble with GKTurnBasedMatch endTurnWithNextParticipants:turnTimeout:matchData:completionHandler:

objective-c ios gamekit

SKStoreProductViewController and GKHostedAuthenticateViewController don't have iPhone landscape modes

Inviting a Game Center friend to a match programmatically

game-center gamekit

Request for a simple example for GKStateMachine?

swift state-machine gamekit

authPlayerWithCompletionHandler Deprecated, so how do I use authenticateHandler

ios game-center gamekit ios6

setting up iPhone P2P only over bluetooth and without GKPeerPickerController