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Game Center GKTurnBasedMatch problems with matchData property

How to display Game Center leaderboard with SwiftUI

iPhone p2p - Is there a way to connect to more than 1 devices?

Is the GameKit's communication reliable with GKMatchSendDataReliable?

App name updated but not on GameCenter

iphone ios game-center gamekit

GameCenter Leaderboard will not update after release

ios swift game-center gamekit

How do I get notifications for GameKit Turn-Based matches?

GameCenter login alert

iphone gamekit game-center

Building my own game server for a turn-based multiplayer iPhone Game

Is there a way to delete scores in Apple's Game Center programmatically?

center gamekit

iOS Development: Strange problem with authenticating Game Center user

Removing a GKTurnBasedMatch which is in an invalid state

ios game-center gamekit

Encode NSArray or NSDictionary using NSCoder

Reconnect player in Game Center

How do I convert an NSNumber to NSData?

GameKit matchmaking fails for 3G connections

ios objective-c gamekit

Transfer data between iOS and Android via Bluetooth?

Using iOS GameKit's "Bluetooth Bonjour" with other platforms