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New posts in game-physics

How to sync physics in a multiplayer game?

KDTree Splitting

Smooth character movement in canvas game using keyboard controls

Is there an upper limit on velocity when using box2d?

2D soft bodies: Gelly and moldable?

Turn rate on a player's rotation doing a 360 once it hits pi

Sprite Kit set Min. and Max. for Jump

2D orbital physics

Path generation for non-intersecting disc movement on a plane

How to create a rope in SpriteKit?

How best to give falling ball real world gravity

Good 2D Collision Response References

Bullet physics engine, how to freeze an object?

physics game-physics bullet

Kalman Filter for Android

android game-physics

Canvas Rotating Star Field

How to make a 2D Soft-body physics engine?

Quadtree for 2D collision detection

AI of spaceship's propulsion: land a 3D ship at position=0 and angle=0

How to create a simple 2D game for Android? [closed]

Why transform normals with the transpose of the inverse of the modelview matrix?