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New posts in game-physics

Swift: Set velocity for distance

How to implement a physical effect in SimCity 5, that a building swings when it is being moved?

How to prevent floating point error in point-polygon sliding collision detection

Quaternion from Orthogonal Basis

game-physics quaternions

BulletPhysic: contacts force/impulse

Improve movement of space aliens

didBegin contact not being called in Swift

Vectors, calculate movement forces with max speed

How to handle multiple simultaneous elastic collisions?

Handling strafing / side stepping in a 3D game


Checking if a Touch point is inside box collider in Unity

TDD And Game Physics

How to Prevent RigidBody from passing through other colliders

2D platformers: why make the physics dependent on the framerate?

graphics 2d game-physics

moving an object from point to point in a linear path

AABB collision resolution slipping sides

Smooth Keyboard Movement in Pygame

How to detect collision between object made of bezier curves and a circle?

Moving an object at a consistent speed from point A to B

java game-physics

Pros and Cons of using SVG for Android Games [closed]

android svg game-physics