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New posts in folding

Vim folding - mark opened folds

vim folding

Code Folding for CSS in VSCode

How to disable Eclipse's "auto-folding during typing"?

eclipse folding eclipse-jdt

How to collapse all blocks of #ifdefs that will not be compiled in Visual Studio?

org-mode folding considers whitespace as content

emacs org-mode folding

Can I disable code folding in WebStorm?

webstorm folding

is line folded? - How to check for folds in VIM

function vim folding

Change the text in folds

vim folding

Android code folding the Switch block

android ide folding

How can I share my folds in VIM?

vim portability folding

Folding over a list of Options to Find First or Last Some

scala folding

How to save collapsed / folded code in Sublime Text after removal of bufferscroll plugin

sublimetext3 folding

How do I make Python folding in vim not visually ruin the whitespace?

python vim folding

Can I have Vim ignore a license block at the top of a file?

Folding error using //region in Android Studio

android-studio folding

Autofold #ifdef..#endif in vim via .vimrc

vim folding

how to activate vim folding markers?

vim configuration folding

VIM folds for Everything except Something

vim folding

Collapse comments and all functions in vim/gvim

vim folding

vim folding messes up syntax highlighting