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New posts in floating-point

What is floating point speculation and how does it differ from the compiler's floating point model

c++ floating-point intel

Why hexadecimal floating constants in C++17?

Hex Representation of Floats in Haskell

C++ vs Python precision

Storing ints as floats

c++ c floating-point int

Visual C++ / Weird behavior after enabling floating-point exceptions (compiler bug ?)

IEEE-754 floating point computations, equality and narrowing

Modulus to limit latitude and longitude values

Java - comparison of positive and negative zeros

Why is it not possible to convert "1.7" to integer directly, without converting to float first?

Portable way to serialize float as 32-bit integer

c++ c floating-point embedded

sin v/s sinf function in C

Convert float to bits

java floating-point double

How many normalized numbers can be represented using IEEE-754 Single Precision?

floating-point ieee-754

Convert float to string without sprintf()

How to test if a Float or Double is infinite or NaN?

scala floating-point double

compare two floats for equality in Python [duplicate]

python floating-point

Proper design of C code that handles both single- and double-precision floating point?

c floating-point

Does float VS int performance on x86 and ARM differ so much?

Extract scientific number from string