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New posts in floating-point

Comparing floating point values

Can bad stuff happen when dividing 1/a very small float?

How does the C == operator decide whether or not two floating point values are equal?

CS193P - Adding floating point button to iOS calculator

Erlang and Big Numbers

floating-point erlang

Denormalized floating point in Objective-C?

C++ ensuring a float size of 4 bytes

How to convert float to uint by float representation?

printf a float value with precision (number of decimal digits) passed in a variable [duplicate]

Precise nth root

Python 3 int division operator is returning a float?

How to avoid incorrect rounding with numpy.round?

Printing increments of 0.1 in c#

c# floating-point

What is the most efficient way to store and work with a floating point number with 1,000,000 significant digits in C?

c math floating-point

Why do two floating-point results differ when they nominally have the same value?

java floating-point

Convert Integer to Double in MIPS

The Microsoft ACE driver changes the floating point precision in the rest of my program

.net excel floating-point jet

Converting Int to Float loses precision for large numbers in Swift

How to convert hex to float

Why is std::abs(9484282305798401ull) = 9484282305798400?