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New posts in floating-point

Python and very small decimals

python floating-point

Why does sprintf round the fractional part of 5.555 and 0.555 differently? [duplicate]

Extracting Float values from a string in Java

Double vs Float80 speed in Swift

Does calloc() of a double field always evaluate to 0.0?

Why differs floating-point precision in C# when separated by parantheses and when separated by statements?

c# floating-point precision

Trying to write a code for finding the machine epsilon

Rails : Validates_format_of for float not working

Are 3.5 and 3.5f the same in C++? [duplicate]

Same calculation on Linux and Windows --> different results

Perl: How to compare floating numbers

perl floating-point

What exactly is the "resolution" parameter of numpy float

C Floating point changes %d value every time executed

Java double division positiveness

Why is float.MaxValue 0xFF 0xFF 0x7F 0x7F and not 0x7F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF like ints?

Positive vs negative nans

math floating-point nan

Double as close to 0 as possible?

java floating-point double

If you multiply the smallest positive floating point value by a non-zero number, are you guaranteed a non-zero result?

returning a float type from function in c

c floating-point

Difference Between #Define and Float?