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New posts in calloc

gcc7.2: argument range exceeds maximum object size 9..7 [-Werror=alloc-size-larger-than=]

c calloc gcc7

Initialising an array of structs in Objective-C

C - How to use own value (instead of 0) with calloc

c initialization calloc

String parsing in C using strtok

c parsing strtok calloc

When to free memory inside a C code?

c memory malloc calloc

Between malloc and calloc which allocates contiguous memory

c malloc calloc

free() function without malloc or calloc

c malloc calloc

calloc(): Do the individual values matter for performance?

c memory malloc calloc

calling calloc - memory leak valgrind

c valgrind ncurses calloc

"Heap corruption detected" when using free()

c free calloc

calloc() and NULL

Why memset called after calloc?

c malloc calloc memset

Does calloc() of a double field always evaluate to 0.0?

calloc fails and returns NULL

Does CUDA really not have a calloc()-like API call?

c++ c cuda calloc memset

Does the pointer passed to free() have to point to beginning of the memory block, or can it point to the interior?

Valgrind says "stack allocation," I say "heap allocation"

c malloc valgrind calloc

Does the Meltdown mitigation, in combination with `calloc()`s CoW "lazy allocation", imply a performance hit for calloc()-allocated memory?

calloc() slower than malloc() & memset()

c malloc memset calloc

Does any operating system implement buffering for malloc()?