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New posts in floating-point

How do you round off decimal places in C++?

Converting Byte Array to Double Array

Division of float numbers in JavaScript

Converting float to int, with and without cast

parseFloat() vs. parseDouble()

Preventing FsCheck from generating NaN and infinities

What's the meaning of "0" as prefix in a floating point literal?

java floating-point

How do you read floating numbers (REAL) from a sqlite database on the iphone?

Returning a 1.0f gives me 1065353216

c floating-point

Is there any scenario where function fma in libc can be used?

c floating-point posix libc fma

Why conversion from unsigned long long to double can lead to data loss?

Float numbers in Java

java numbers floating-point

0.1 + 0.7 != 0.8 [duplicate]

strange behaviour when comparing floating points in rspec

ruby rspec floating-point

C++ next float with numeric_limits / epsilon?

Java: How to convert a String of Binary values to a Float and vice-versa?

How to read in floats from a file?

C - How to check if the number is integer or float? [closed]

c floating-point integer

How to convert float to string

Why does Perl's sprintf not round floating point numbers correctly?

perl floating-point printf