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New posts in floating-point

How to check if float is a whole number?

Is there a neutral element in IEEE754 with regards to addition

Two General CS Questions [duplicate]

c++ floating-point

Minimize floating point inaccuracy in exponential moving average

less than (<) comparison of float with if statement in c [duplicate]

c floating-point comparison

Why does multiplying and dividing by N "fix" floating point representation?

In current C++ and Java, double type and float type : if (x == 0.0) is correct? [duplicate]

java c++ floating-point double

Floating point precision in literals vs calculations

java floating-point numbers

What means an "E" or "e" character on larger fractional and float outputs?

java floating-point

Typecasting int pointer to float pointer

Writing IEEE 754-1985 double as ASCII on a limited 16 bytes string

c floating-point precision

Understanding FMA instructions performance

Why does Int(Float(Int.max)) give me an error?

How to reliably separate decimal and floating parts from a number?

Convert float to 32bit hex string in JavaScript

Accurate vectorizable implementation of acosf()

What are the chances of Math.random returning 0?

Why do printf and isnan disagree whether a long double value is a NaN?

c++ c floating-point clang

How can I write a C++ function returning true if a real number is exactly representable with a double?

c++ floating-point

Another floating point question