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New posts in expression-blend

Animating removed item in Listbox

Automatically calling OnDetaching() for Silverlight Behaviors

Debug Visual Studio or Blend Silverlight / WPF designer load errors?

Easing animation 'twitches' when it finishes

VisualStateManager in Silverlight: setting an initial state

Is it possible to make the blend Xaml editor horizontal?

expression-blend blend

Enable State Recording in Blend for Visual Studio in a Windows 8 Application

Windows Phone - SyndicationFeed issue

WPF Button isPressed and isEnabled problem

Development for .NET 4.0 (Windows XP) with Visual Studio 2012

WPF WebBrowser - How to Zoom Content?

How to edit a c# project in Blend 4 that was created with VS2012?

c# wpf xaml expression-blend

Evenly Spaced Dashes with StrokeDashArray

How do i edit the watermark for a DatePicker in WPF using Expression Blend

How to draw an arc in winRT with animation?

Multiple nested canvases in Expression Design xaml output, why?

WPF Which IDE to go for?

Designing WPF Windows for Free?

c# wpf expression-blend

Is it possible to apply Blend behavior using style or template?

wpf xaml expression-blend

How to set different localized string in different visual states in WP7 using Blend?