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New posts in exit

Incrementing a variable triggers EXIT in bash 4, but not in bash 3

bash version exit increment

Is SystemExit a special kind of Exception?

.NET End vs Form.Close() vs Application.Exit Cleaner way to close one's app

.net vb.net winforms exit

How can I get a traceback in Perl? [duplicate]

perl exit traceback

React Native: Double back press to Exit App

Always app Java end with "Exit 143" Ubuntu

java ubuntu exit

Perl built in exit and print in one command

perl exit die

Disable Exit (or [ X ]) in tkinter Window

How to use Yii::app()->end() method and how is it different from exit()?

php yii exit

What does sys.exit really do with multiple threads?

python multithreading exit

How can I exit a batch file from within a function?

batch-file exit goto

Any benefit in using WEXITSTATUS macro in C over division by 256 on exit() status?

c exit system-calls

Handle a WPF Exit Event

wpf events client-server exit

ruby at_exit exit status

ruby exit status atexit

Difference between 'die' and 'exit' [duplicate]

php exit die

Ruby - exit from IF block

ruby if-statement exit

Is it OK to call pthread_exit from main?

Application not quitting after calling quit

excel vb.net exit xls

Close a WP7 application programmatically? [duplicate]

OnExit Event For a Swing Application?

java swing exit