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New posts in react-native-android

react-native start report: Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, open ...\.babel.json

Why shadowColor: '...' - is not applied for drawer styles on Android of “react-native-drawer” component?

Build .apk for react native app

Proper use of onChangeText in React Native

Got JS Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: process

Passing parameter in websocket uri on react-native is not working

Figuring out performance issues

Get recently clicked image from camera on image view in react-native

react native redux connect undefined function

Icon is not displaying in react-navigation-header-buttons (React Native)

Fastlane distribution failed with error "App Distribution could not find your app"

React Native (Android) - cannot find symbol class ReactInstanceManager

Generate multi APK in react native?

unable to select item from react-native-dropdown-picker

Hello World is not displaying in react native android

unknown property 'supportLibVersion' for object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler

Failed to run jetifier React Native

Call Android activity from React-Native code

Best file picker for react native [closed]

React Native Android location request timed out