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New posts in event-log

Detect manual time change and daylight savings time events in windows events log

c# .net timezone event-log

EventLogQuery: How to form query string?

c# event-log

Windows Event IDs

Application Event log exceeding maximum allowed count

Create EventLog source in WiX without an event message file

.net wix wix3 event-log

Writing to event log in C# - do I need to use EventLog.CreateEventSource when writing to Application log?

c# event-viewer event-log

Log to event viewer on Windows with C++ [closed]

EventLog - Get available logs

c# asp.net event-log

add event log to registry

c# registry event-log

Security exception when writting to an EventLog from an ASP.NET MVC application

Query windows event log for the past two weeks

How to troubleshoot .NET 2.0 Error Reporting messages in the event log?

.NET remoting service seemingly crashes, and stops responding to clients

Read Event Log Remotely with .NET

c# .net permissions event-log

Is there a way to write to the windows event log in C?

c windows event-log

Receiving "...has already been registered..." from EventLog.CreateEventSource even though I'm checking !EventLog.SourceExists

c# .net .net-4.0 event-log

Why does EventRecord.FormatDescription() return null?

c# .net event-log

In Windows, what default event sources are available in the Application Event Log?

High Performance Event Log

c# winapi wmi event-log