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Looking for an editor which closes HTML tags the way like Dreamweaver does [closed]

How to efficiently delete word, colon and a comma in VIM

vim ide editor vi

Using tk to create a text editor

vim put quotes and comma around words

vim editor text-editor

Code Folding for CSS in VSCode

An XML viewer/editor that provides XPath for nodes

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wysihtml5. image src and href are stripped

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Can't find a decent git gui for windows. Anyone know of one?

Vim step-by-step: How do you line up arbitrary text by arbitrary delimiter?

editor vim

How to shift lines of code in XCode

xcode macos editor

auto-completion in ace.js editor

Can a Regex Return the Number of the Line where the Match is Found?

regex replace find editor

How to quickly delete all text in emacs' minibuffer?

emacs editor text-editor

What do you use to edit and develop Classic ASP [closed]

asp-classic editor

How do I make Sublime Text 3 my default text editor on Windows 10?

what's the best stable editor & compiler for c++ with gui & under linux? [closed]

Which editor would you give your mom to let her edit her own website?

html web editor publishing