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How to shift lines of code in XCode

Is there any way in XCode to shift Code up or down with the keyboard? In Notepad++ for instance this was done by Ctrl-Shift-Up or Down and it shifted the current line.

Am I just blind or is this feature just absent?

like image 742
soelu Avatar asked May 24 '11 09:05


People also ask

How do I move lines of code in Xcode?

command + option + [ or ] to move a line of code up and down.

How do I jump to a line in Xcode?

Jump to Line ( ⌘ + L )

How do you move a line of code on a keyboard?

If you put the cursor on a line of code and use the Alt+Up Arrow keys, the line of code you've selected moves up. If you use the Alt+Down Arrow keys, the line of code selected moves down.

1 Answers

] and [

Have a look in the Xcode preferences under Key bindings for others.

If you are looking for even more have a look at Colin Wheeler's Xcode 4 Keyboard Shortcuts

like image 193
Abizern Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 08:11
