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Best editor for remote python files

python editor

Using a.vim for C++

c++ vim editor plugins

VS 2008 Intellisense missing: the key combination is bound to command which is not currently available

Why does eclipse flicker and is slow to load XML in Editors?

Eclipse fails to open .vue files in Web Page Editor

In the Eclipse text editor, how can I reformat / fill / justify a paragraph to 80 characters wide?

eclipse text editor

Eclipse place the new opened editor tab next to the currently active one?

eclipse editor

Make Eclipse's Java editor font the same as IntelliJ IDEA

eclipse editor

how to reset vim's settings (including plugins, .vimrc file) without close vim?

editor vim

How to Add C# Library to Monaco Editor (code completion) and limit possible libraries?

Editor showdown: Maintain newlines at the ends of sentences

What is the emacs command to do full text search across all open buffers? like sublimetext's command+shift+f?

How to pipe visually selected text to a UNIX command and append output to current buffer in Vim

sql vim editor vi

How can GWT 2.1 editor framework support primitive types?

java gwt editor gwt2

What tools are available to edit manpages, i.e. GUI WYSIWYG editors (any platform)

unix editor manpage troff

How can I make Matlab's editor smart indent always on while writing code?

matlab editor auto-indent

Jade Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio 2013

How to close the small editor window when injecting language reference in intellij?

string intellij-idea editor

How to keep comments on variables set through "M-x customize" on emacs?

Vim using gf with spaces in filenames

windows vim editor