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VS 2008 Intellisense missing: the key combination is bound to command which is not currently available

Intellisense has stopped working for my aspx files, and I've looked at the other questions that address the issue with no solution.

When I try to format the aspx document (Ctrl-K, Ctrl-D) the status bar says "The key combination is bound to command (Format Document) which is not currently available."

The outlining is no longer showing up.

I have tried the /ResetSettings flag. I'm not using resharper. I've verified the settings (Tools -> Options, Text Editor) for both C#, Basic, and HTML as well as general.

How can I get this back?

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chris Avatar asked Dec 01 '10 18:12


1 Answers

I managed to fix this by switching to design mode and then clicking on the Source.

Strangely, I had to right-click to select design view, since the design/split/source options at the bottom of the window were not present.

Once I switched to design view, the buttons came back, and when I switched back to source view everything seems to work again.


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chris Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10
