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NoClassDefFoundError with simple Apache HttpClient Eclipse project

installing additional eclipse indigo files

Eclipse plugin development - Bundle-ClassPath definition

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Show CVS annotations by default in Eclipse

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Eclipse CVS extssh broken under Windows 7 + Java 7

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Eclipse Option not available : Android Tools > Export Unsigned Application Package

Is it possible to assign F3 to search in Eclipse?

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Eclipse project explorer can't be switched to the view on working sets


How to properly close a FileChannel obtained from a FileOutputStream

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How do I add an entry to eclipse Package Explorer context menu to start a TextEditor?


Cannot launch eclipse rcp application in Juno

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Is there way to enable "Step into selection" for C++ in Eclipse?

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Tortoise equivalent 'replace with latest from repository"?

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Maven native dependences in Eclipse

JPA @MappedSuperclass in separate JAR in Eclipse

sonar-collapsible if statements

Eclipse - Jasper report not compiling (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/digester/Digester)

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Evaluation in Clojure REPL with CounterClockwise and Eclipse

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Running Android Support v4 Library Demo Programs

Eclipse JUnit 4 gives NullPointerException

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