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New posts in eclipse-plugin

How to view the SWT examples (Eclipse) source code?

In the activator class of an Eclipse plugin how can I find view instances?

eclipse eclipse-plugin

How can I set up Eclipse workspace mechanic to share settings?

How to catch first time displaying of the WizardPage

java eclipse-plugin swt wizard

Eclipse wont recognize Android support library revision 9

Eclipse Juno: How to change background of code folding regions

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Error installing Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP

Developer Tools for Eclipse Liberty Profile automatically add features

How can I connect to a SFTP server using the "Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime" Eclipse plugin and a .pem private key?

eclipse eclipse-plugin sftp

Eclipse Luna Hanging when Loading Debug Configuration

Unable to export any of my projects into a .jar file

How to exclude version numbers from Import-Package with maven-bundle-plugin?

How to offer links in an eclipse editor plugin?

java eclipse-plugin

Unknown Host error when attempting to connect to connect to Eclipse plugin repository

eclipse eclipse-plugin host

How can two eclipse plugin use the same preferences store?

Free SQL formatter tool [closed]

Eclipse plug-in: add Launch command group to Custom Perspective

Positioning Toolbars in Eclipse/RCP

Eclipse Plugin Development, associating different editors to same file extension

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Tomcat application Profiler for Eclipse indigo