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New posts in formatter

Get number of placeholders in Formatter.format() String

Visual Studio code - Elixir formatter not working, trying to use prettier instead

Wrong Output for java.text.SimpleDateFormat while Reading "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZZZZZ"

Visual Studio HTML formatter: Hitting enter removes all indents in the previous line

How can I format a float in Java with a given number of digits after the decimal point?

java formatter

What formatter pattern should I use to get '00123', '00001' strings from numbers '123' and '1' correspondingly?

How to add decimal point before x digits in Java

java formatter

Eclipse Code Formatter Plugin

eclipse plugins formatter

Milliseconds in \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter (PHP)

php logging formatter monolog

Partial String Formatting in Python Logging Formatters

Create a Checkstyle Configuration from an Eclipse formatter file

How to format currency sign in Yii2 after the value?

yii2 formatter

How can I apply consistent indentation and formatting to Nginx config files?

nginx config formatter

Change how eclipse formatter wraps long strings

java eclipse formatter