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How can I connect to a SFTP server using the "Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime" Eclipse plugin and a .pem private key?

I am trying to use Eclipse as a remote editor. The files I want to edit are on an SFTP server, which I usually connect to using a private .pem key (it's an OpenStack node). Can I've read that Eclipse natively supports FTP and SSH through the Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime Eclipse plugin. How shall I configure it to connect to an SFTP using a private .pem key?

I don't have any password since I prove my identity using the private .pem key, so when I try to SSH into the server without entering any password:

enter image description here

It complains:

enter image description here

Any idea?

like image 926
Franck Dernoncourt Avatar asked Apr 25 '14 22:04

Franck Dernoncourt

People also ask

What is Eclipse RSE?

The Remote System Explorer (RSE) is a perspective and toolkit in Eclipse Workbench, that allows you to connect and work with a variety of remote systems. With the predefined plug-ins, You can look at remote file systems, transfer files between hosts, do remote search, execute commands and work with processes.

1 Answers

You need to add your private key in the following configuration window:

enter image description here

You'll then be able to connect to the SFTP server (when ask leave the password blank or put any random password as the private key will be used to connect anyway) and remote edit in Eclipse:

enter image description here

like image 149
Franck Dernoncourt Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Franck Dernoncourt