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New posts in eclipse-plugin

How to provide a log4j.properties to an OSGI Bundle (Eclipse-Plugin)?

Verify unsigned plugins for Eclipse

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Eclipse conflicting handlers

Add link to MessageDialog message

Eclipse plugin activator class

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

How to extend the Eclipse Java Editor to add coloured overlays

java eclipse-plugin

Is there a StyleCop-like plug-in for Eclipse?


How to get the filename of the Current Active Tab from eclipse IDE?

java eclipse-plugin

Is there a quick lookup for url-to-controller mapping when @RequestMapping is used?

Launch RCP application from main()

how to pass object parameters in command?

java eclipse-plugin

Tycho: Bundle X - Missing Constraint: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7

'pyramid-debugtoolbar' distribution was not found and is required

Visual Studio toolchain in Eclipse for C++

How do I get notified whenever a new editor is opened in Eclipse?

eclipse 3.5.1 (Galileo) with ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) busted! Can not install maven2 plugin! (Or any other plugin)

Need help to begin with Eclipse RCP [closed]

How to write JavaScript in Eclipse

Getting the src directory in an Eclipse IProject?

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Add 3rd party library to an eclipse plugin

eclipse eclipse-plugin