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Source map plugin for Eclipse

How to assign unique id to swt widget and get it in swtbot?

Is it a good practise to do version control from outside the IDE? [closed]

ILazyContentProvider updating everything at each viewer.setItemCount()

java eclipse-plugin swt jface

Is it possible to change Finish button text to Done in Wizard?

How to add jar Non-osgi jar files as dependency to eclipse plugin?

PyDev eclipse is not showing compilation errors

How to generate an .hpi plugin from an existing project for jenkins

importing org.eclipse.core packages for Eclipse plug-in

java eclipse-plugin osgi

Eclipse + Android not recognizing my (dimension) values

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in eclipse 3.61 getting error when trying to install google WindowMaker via updatesite

eclipse eclipse-plugin

How would I show an HTML page in Eclipse at Design Time?

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Change Eclipse toolbar icon dynamically

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Enable Task Tags in Scala IDE for Eclipse

Activator.getImageDescriptor(path) returns null even though plugin.xml makes use of identical path for icons

Eclipse(Indigo) launch failed after google app engine plugin install

Hadoop CDH4 and Eclipse Juno

eclipse-plugin hadoop

Tools that can help in code checking in Android

how to solve this eclipse launch error?

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Android ADT bundle [install new software]