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Hadoop CDH4 and Eclipse Juno

Has anyone been successful in building an eclipse plugin for Juno against the CDH4 installation?

I've seen CDH3 all over the net. Looking for CDH4. Thanks much.

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arcee123 Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 03:02


1 Answers

I'm not sure if you're referring to the Hadoop Eclipse plugin or a plugin to develop code against CDH4. I'll answer both questions.

Developing against CDH4 in Juno: By far, the easiest way to write applications against CDH4 components in Eclipse (any version), is by using m2eclipse[1] and adding the Cloudera Maven repository to your pom.xml. In fact, a significant portion of folks at Cloudera (including myself), do this regularly. Recently, one of our engineers (Natty) wrote a nice blog post about getting started with CDH4, Maven, and Eclipse[2] (and other IDEs). Otherwise, nothing special is required to write apps against CDH4 other than having the JARs around. You can also browse through the Cloudera Maven repository here[3].

The Hadoop Plugin: Long ago, a plugin for Eclipse existed that allowed for MR job execution and some other bits. It has, however, been unmaintained for a very long time (at least two to three years now). I don't think anyone ever updated it to work with Juno--, let alone Juno, itself.

Hope this helps.

[1] http://bit.ly/UUGmlB [2] http://bit.ly/O6rkp6 [3] http://bit.ly/UUGwcC

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Eric Sammer Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 17:02

Eric Sammer