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New posts in dllimport

Trouble with C#<->C++ DLLImport "Attempted to read or write protected memory."

c# c++ reference dllimport

Exporting functions from C++ dll to C# P/Invoke

c# c++ dll pinvoke dllimport

Why does a .NET program survive a corrupt stack? (when using the wrong calling convention)

.net pinvoke dllimport

Pass multi - dimensional array from managed code to unmanaged code

c# c++ marshalling dllimport

Is there a more painless way to call Win32 from C#?

c# interop dllimport

How to export/import a C struct from a DLL/ to a console application using __declspec( dllexport/import )

c dll struct dllimport dllexport

How can I use a C# (managed) dll that I don't have?

c# visual-studio dll dllimport

DLLimport unable to load dll

c# c++ dll interop dllimport

"[DllImport("__Internal")]" - what does the "__Internal" mean?

c# unity3d dllimport

Implicit vs. Explicit linking to a DLL

winapi dll dllimport windows

How to set up a C++ function so that it can be used by p/invoke?

c# c++ pinvoke dllimport extern

__cdecl and __declspec calling conventions confusion

How to call a C++ function with a struct pointer parameter from C#?

c# c++ dll interop dllimport

Add a UAC shield to a button and retain its background image?

c# winforms uac dllimport

Use GetForegroundWindow result in an if statement to check user's current window

C++/CLI: SIGFPE, _control87, _fpreset, porting ancient unmanaged Watcom C app to .NET

C#: One attribute for multiple declarations (DLLImport)

c# attributes dllimport

Why doesn't .NET find the OpenSSL.NET dll?