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New posts in dispose

Dispose form after closing

c# winforms forms dispose

Why does this variable need to be set to null after the object is disposed?

c# dispose

Try/Finally block vs calling dispose?

CA2213 code analysis rule and auto-implemented properties

Do custom events need to be set to null when disposing an object?

c# events dispose

How to dispose objects having asynchronous methods called?

How to dispose properly using async and await

What is the difference between finalize and dispose in .net? [duplicate]

Why disposed object doesn't throw exception on using it after disposing?

c# dispose idisposable

Execute code when VisualStudio debugger is exiting

Idiomatic Clojure way to spawn and manage background threads

Two questions about Dispose() and destructors in C#

Need I remove controls after disposing them?

Should I dispose a Mutex?

c# mutex dispose cross-process

Do I need to call Close() on a ManualResetEvent?

Is there a list of common object that implement IDisposable for the using statement?

Does one need to close both NetworkStream and TcpClient, or just TcpClient?

Do I need to dispose of a Task?

SPWeb.Site, should you call Dispose() on it?

sharepoint dispose

Entity Framework - How should I instance my "Entities" object