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New posts in dispose

Why do I have to cast to a specific pointer type before calling Dispose?

Calling Dispose on an BlockingCollection<T>

WCF ChannelFactory and channels - caching, reusing, closing and recovery

Can a CryptoStream be returned and still have everything dispose correctly?

How to dispose managed resource in Dispose() method in C#?

Why do we need Dispose() method on some object? Why doesn't the garbage collector do this work?

How do I dispose all of the controls in a panel or form at ONCE??? c# [duplicate]

c# controls dispose

To Dispose or not to Dispose (CA2000)

.net dispose code-analysis

How to check if ManualResetEvent has been disposed, when trying to Set() it inside an EventHandler?

Static disposable objects

Dispose a dictionary in C# best practice

c# .net dispose

Problems solving "Cannot access disposed object." exception

c# winforms exception dispose

Identify IDisposable objects

Where to call Dispose() of IDisposable created in constructor?

c# .net dispose idisposable

When is Dispose necessary?

using on SQLDataReader

Disposable singleton in C#

c# .net singleton dispose

Datatable.Dispose() will make it remove from memory?

Why is 'using' improving C# performances

Do I need to Close and/or Dispose callback channels acquired through OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel?

wcf callback dispose