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Static disposable objects

  • How should I manage static classes with disposable items? Are there any rules of thumb?

  • Basically, should I refactor and make the following DisposableDataManager class non- static or is it fine to leave everything to GC?


public static class DisposableDataManager
    // ImageList is an 'IDisposable'.
    public static ImageList FirstImageList { get; private set; }
    public static ImageList SecondImageList { get; private set; }

    static DisposableDataManager()
        FirstImageList = CreateFirstImageList();
        SecondImageList = CreateSecondImageList();        

    // ...
like image 642
Yippie-Ki-Yay Avatar asked Aug 23 '12 13:08


People also ask

How does IDisposable work?

In a nutshell, an IDisposable class allows you to explicitly handle the deallocation of resources (typically unmanaged resources or database connections) via the Dispose() method. IDisposable class instances should be created within a "Using" block so as to ensure that the Dispose method is actually called.

Can static class be dispose C#?

You can have the Dispose method in a singleton class but not in a static class.

How to use disposable in c#?

When you finish using an object that implements IDisposable, you call the object's Dispose or DisposeAsync implementation to explicitly perform cleanup. You can do this in one of two ways: With the C# using statement or declaration ( Using in Visual Basic).

2 Answers

It really depends on how important it is to you that the resources are disposed. When your application closes, all handles it had open (files, network connections, graphics etc) will be released anyway, so that's not a problem. It's more of a problem if you want disposal for a more orderly release - e.g. flushing a stream before closing it. The CLR makes a "best effort" to run finalizers before the process exits, which will in turn call Dispose in some cases - but that's not something I'd want to rely on for anything important.

So in the case of ImageList objects, it really shouldn't be an issue. You definitely won't leak any resources - the operating system will take care of that.

Having said that, I'd still try to refactor - simply because global state tends to be a bad idea. It makes dependencies implicit, and testing harder. How hard would it be to provide the relevant information to each object that needed it at construction time?

(Note: static variables are really associated with an AppDomain rather than the process as a whole. This makes the whole question more complex in applications where AppDomains are brought up and down, but I doubt that it's relevant to your scenario.)

like image 132
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Jon Skeet

You can hook the AppDomain.DomainUnload event and call dispose on anything you want to make sure is cleaned up before you exit.

like image 26
Oliver Mellet Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09

Oliver Mellet