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New posts in resource-leak

Jersey client connection close memory leak issue

Is there a difference in disposing Icon and Bitmap?

c# winforms gdi resource-leak

What happens to file descriptors in Python 3 when .close() fails?

How does IOUtils.closeQuietly hide the "resource leak" warning?

Why compiler warns about resource leak?

Is JDK ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream broken? (unclosed resources)

What's a good pattern for a java unit test that ensures that you are properly closing files?

java file-io resource-leak

What unnamed GDI resources could I be leaking

winapi gdi resource-leak

Is it possible to close a Reader without closing the stream?

Resource leak issues in Eclipse?

Will stream classes or connections considered as a resource leak in Java

socket handle leak in pyzmq?

How to trace handle leaks?

Do I need a WOW64 dump for GDI Handle analysis?

Why does this code generate a "Potential resource leak" warning?

What can cause section handle leaks?

Using statement around dialog form to ensure garbage collection

Does DataAdapter.Fill() close its connection when an Exception is thrown?