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New posts in .net-1.1

Upgrading ASP.NET from version 1.1 to 2.0 - Any Gotchas?

.NET 1.1 consuming a webservice with nullable types, what to do?

How to split a string into a fixed length string array?

Why is my WebService constructor getting called each time I call a webmethod?

What other improvements in .NET's Dictionary vs. HashTable besides [un]boxing?

Repository pattern with .NET 1.1

Can you call a .NET 2.0 COM object from an ASP.NET 1.1 web app?

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Process.StartTime Access Denied

How is IDisposable implemented on FileStream in .Net 1.1

Best tool to decompile a C# .Net 1.1 application [duplicate]

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Double postback issue

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Can anything make life easier for a dotnet 3.5 coder trapped in a 1.1 world?

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.NET Framework 1.1 on IIS 7

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Windows Service Increasing CPU Consumption

Regex to match a path in C#

c# regex string parsing .net-1.1

"Best" way to communicate between .NET 1.1 and .NET 3.5

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Unhandled exception of type 'System.ApplicationException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll

Does DataAdapter.Fill() close its connection when an Exception is thrown?

web.config batch="false"