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New posts in dependency-management

PowerShell dependency management

iPhone Project Dependency Management

Changing the location of the components folder

Maven parent POM: Circular dependencies

Best practice for dependency management in a project with a huge number of dependencies

Gradle - DependencySubstitution for Android App with a Library

WARNING: Failed to scan <>.jar from classloader hierarchy. FileNotFoundException

How come maven dependencies in POM file can't be used?

Why does maven release plugin allow for SNAPSHOT version in dependency management?

Reduce cyclic graph to tree (dependency graph-->tree)

Python dependency analyzer library

Forcing Gradle to use an earlier dependency version for testing

NPM caching similar to a local Maven cache

Maven sourcing dependency version from great-grand-parent instead of our parents dependency-management

Find islands in directed graph

Maven dependency for self placed jars in project level

Error with a excluded dependency in Spring Boot project: exclusion.artifactId with value '*' does not match a valid id pattern

How to fail maven build if newer version of dependency exists in repository?

#include statement mapping in Biicode (biicode.conf)

Language/Platform/Build-Independent Dependency Manager