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New posts in dependency-management

How does one specify transitive dependencies of a test-jar for a maven project?

Git submodules vs dependency management?

Access maven property using dependency management

How do you package external libraries in your .Net projects?

How do I get Ivy to copy the dependencies to the lib directory when using it from the command line?

Node.js - module caching, partially done objects, and cyclical dependencies?

How can I inherit project dependencies/references from one project to a dependent project in Visual Studio

Dependencies versions conflicts on node.js

Maven: Show dependency tree for specific artifact without adding it to pom

Is certain matlab-routine used in matlab script?

Need presentation materials for convincing a customer to use Maven

Are there good tips or tools for removing third party C and C++ libraries from a codebase? (OS X or Linux)

Maven Version Tag

Is there a way to show the dependency graph of a Go package?

go dependency-management

maven dependencies groovy

Conditionally installing importlib on python2.6

Requiring a fork with composer that other dependencies should use

Add a compile time only sub-project dependency in sbt

What is php composer and what does dependency manager mean?

How can I get a maven build to fail on duplicate dependencies?