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Maven: Show dependency tree for specific artifact without adding it to pom

For showing the dependency tree of an existing project (with a pom.xml), there's mvn dependency:tree.

But sometimes, I want to have a look at the dependencies without having to create a pom.xml and adding the dependency there.

So, is there a command for showing the dependency tree of a specific groupId:artifactId:version without having an existing project?

(I'd also be happy if there is another tool that has something for this, maybe Gradle.)

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robinst Avatar asked Jul 31 '14 02:07


1 Answers

You definitely need a pom for resolving dependencies, that's where dependency information is stored. But you can workaround having a project:

  1. Get the pom of your artifact:

    mvn dependency:get \
    -Dartifact=groupId:artifactId:version:pom \
    -DremoteRepositories=default::http://repo.url... \
    -Dtransitive=false -Ddest=pom.xml
  2. Run mvn dependency:tree.

This worked for me. Or using dependency:copy:

  1. Run dependency:copy:

    mvn dependency:copy \
    -Dartifact=groupId:artifactId:version:pom \
  2. mv artifactId-version.pom pom.xml.

  3. Run mvn dependency:tree.

like image 88
Ale Sequeira Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10

Ale Sequeira