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Delphi Classes to XML representation:

Delphi DataSnap authorization not repecting TRoleAuth attribute

Which is best way to Find the max value in a delphi TDictionary?

Default Generic Comparer for methods returns incorrect results

delphi generics delphi-xe

Why Delphi compiler can't see I'm trying to free an interface?

MySQL wrong output with IN clause and parameter

DUnit: 'Global' SetUp and TearDown

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Delphi TPair Exception

SQL Query on TClientDataSet (CDS file) in Delphi XE?

sql delphi delphi-xe

Designintf.dcu not found in custom component

Get the Percentage of Total CPU Usage

How to automatically implement inherited abstract methods in Delphi XE

delphi delphi-xe

How do I create a generic TValue for enumerated RTTI field?

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Delphi XE - [DCC Error] : E2004 Identifier redeclared: 'System'

delphi delphi-xe

How do I handle platform specific code in a Delphi XE7 app meant for multiple platforms?

delphi delphi-xe

what is the meaning of `Class of ` type declaration?

Delphi: Upgrade 2009 to XE?

Math for slow image zoom

delphi delphi-xe

Delphi - tools/technics for tracking propagated access violation

delphi delphi-xe

How to effectively use interfaces for memory management in Delphi

delphi delphi-xe