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New posts in delphi-xe

Delphi - stop the application on the main form create

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How I can create a global exception handler in a DLL?

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Thread-Safeness of FloatToStr / DateToStr

Handle class event with regular procedure (Delphi)

delphi events delphi-xe pascal

How do I make the Object Inspector show more TColor property values?

OverbyteICS HTTP timeout when used in different threads

Delphi memory leak when adding language

Deleting file from C:/ProgramData in Windows 7 does not really delete the file?

Delphi XE - TRibbon actions always send focus to MainForm

How to allow Delphi secondary forms behind the main form

Disabling the form designer in DelphiXE

Moving From Delphi7 to Delphi XE or 2010 for Unicode?

Making a master-detail view with a header bar per item group in a Virtual Treeview (TVirtualStringTree)

Why is TArray<recordType> different from array of recordType?

arrays delphi delphi-xe

No more xercesxmldom unit in Delphi XE?

delphi delphi-xe xerces xmldom

Errors using THashSet from DeHL collections library

delphi delphi-xe dehl

How add a standard action to a ActnPopup.TPopupActionBar component in runtime?

delphi delphi-xe

Cannot pass typed char array to open array of char?