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No more xercesxmldom unit in Delphi XE?

I'm wondering what happened to the xercesxmldom unit as one of the XML DOM implementations.
It seems to have disappeared in Delphi XE.

(I searched the docs; couldn't find any relevant info on xercesxmldom disappearing).

Edit: these are the sources I have archived:

R:\>dir /s /b xercesxmldom.pas

Nothing in the R:\DXE-Enterprise-D15-RadStudio-8.0 source tree...


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Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Avatar asked Dec 27 '10 21:12

Jeroen Wiert Pluimers

1 Answers

Here is a quote the answer that Bruneau (Jean-Marie) Babet posted to my question on the Embarcadero forums:

I asked: the removal was intentional and driven by the fact that we had little evidence that the xerces DOM was being used, the cost of the effort to port it to the Mac and the maturity of ADOM. I was told that we would be open to releasing our xerces wrappers (say on SourceForge) if there's interest.

So if you are using xerces in Delphi, then either wait for the wrappers to appear on sourceforge, or switch do the OpenXML ADOM which is compatible with Delphi XE.

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Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Jeroen Wiert Pluimers