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New posts in delphi-xe

delphi directoryexists function odd behaviour for network mapped units

Correct way to dispose of TDictionary after sorting it into an array

Drawing a thick dotted line on a ImgView32 layer

delphi delphi-xe graphics32

Could not convert variant if type (Array Variant) into type (OleStr)

delphi delphi-xe fastreport

Delphi XE AnsiStrings with escaped combining diacritical marks

What causes this error when consuming a web service?

Is possible get rtti info for types declarated in the implementation part of a different unit

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Trim string with specific charset

delphi delphi-xe

How can I update a DataSnap server while clients are still connected?

Error While Linking Multiple C Object files in Delphi 2007

Converting Delphi 2007 string encryption routine to Delphi XE

delphi unicode delphi-xe

How to get the class type reference by its name in Delphi XE?

delphi delphi-xe rtti

Delphi listbox drag drop multiple items

Detecting low user activity and checking email on background

Error on installing JVCL

Delphi Dictionary and ordering data

delphi dictionary delphi-xe

How to finalise a threadvar string to prevent a leak?

delphi delphi-xe

Delphi (-XE) : casting to a record type with implicit conversion

How to attach context menu to TChromium browser

Convert png/jpg/gif to ico

delphi delphi-xe imagelist