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New posts in delphi-xe

"Control '' has no parent window" error

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`Project Page Options` is missing from the IDE, what to do?

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POPCNT in Delphi XE/ XE2 64bit

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stack overflow error when i open Delphi XE IDE

delphi delphi-xe

How do I obtain a reference to the object or its data from my external viewer debugger visualizer?

Why does SendInput Ctrl+V not work in Outlook?

DataSnap "Plain Old Delphi Objects" and nested objects

How to make the Messages panel to disappear after I successfully compile a project?

Is there a real performance gain when I turn {$IMPORTEDDATA} off?

Problems to redirect the TObject.AfterConstruction to other procedure

delphi delphi-xe

How can I list the Attributes of a property using the rtti?

Why does my code not compile, but rather gets E2506 Method of parameterized type declared in interface section must not use local symbol

Alternative to TXMLDocument?

Modifying URLs on a Rest Server in Delphi

delphi rest delphi-xe

Why do some properties go out of scope in the watch list, while others do not?

Is it a object or an interface? Do I need to free it or not?

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Delphi - W1048 Unsafe typecast of 'string' to 'TFormatSettings'

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How do I add a TXT file as resource to my EXE file?

Best way to make a component icon in Delphi XE using only the built in tools

delphi components delphi-xe

Delphi Ownership Confusion